Entries by Renee

Let your Heart See

When your eyes fail to see the beauty in the world, let your heart see it for you. When you keep both wide open, you’ll be able to see the miracles happening each and every day.   …was blind, but now I see.

Perfectly Aligned

Have you ever had one of those days where you are completely in love with absolutely everything with you life? You’re perfectly aligned with where you’re meant to be and all signs are pointing for you staying the course?   I have a secret for you:: it can be this way every day. It’s all […]

To all the teachers…

Remember that teacher that made a huge impression on you? You know the one…the one who pushed you outside of your comfort zone?  The one who knew you had more to give? Teachers have the ability to craft young minds and shape the face of the future. They did a pretty good job with you, […]

Morning Prayer

Repeat after me: “Lord, give me coffee to change the things I can change, and wine for the things I can’t. Amen.”


We are all precious in the sight of the Lord … If you’re anything like me, He may shake His head a lot, but nonetheless, we’re still precious in His eyes.