Entries by Kathryn

New Release by Kittleson Creek Press

So excited to have another fabulous title and author added to the Kittleson Creek Press family!  Be sure to check out Rebecca Undem and join me on Wednesday, October 12 to celebrate motherhood and finding your groove again!    

Happy World Heart Day!

Happy World Heart Day! Tuesday’s tip of the day: make the time to take care of your ticker! Heart disease is the #1 culprit in women’s health today, so be sure to take charge of your health. Add in more fruits and veggies, indulge in fresh air on a walk, and know your numbers. You […]

Keep Your Thoughts Positive

Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive, because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny. Mahatma Gandhi


Goal for the week: make a to-do list of joy-fillers. So many times we get bogged down with what we need to get done that we forget to indulge in a few things that fill us with joy. Take a walk, read a book, eat the chocolate, order take-out. Whatever it may be, give yourself […]

Recharge Your Batteries

Don’t forget to unwind and recharge your batteries. So many times we are so busy charging others up, we don’t realize our own battery packs are wearing down.

Laugh out Loud!

Doesn’t it feel great just to laugh? A good, hearty, over-the-top belly laugh? Take a minute to think about your funniest friend or most hilarious memory and reach out to that person to reminisce! Reliving that memory a second, third, even tenth time is just as good for the soul as the first time! So […]

Look for the Miracles

Look for the miracles that happen every single day. Once you do, you realize that they are everywhere. Now that’s something to keep your eyes peeled for, isn’t it?


Sometimes the lessons in life are found in the detours … keep your eyes wide open for the people God puts in your journey.